Morocco Government

The Kingdom of Morocco has been integrated into the international economy for the majority of the countries post-independence existence, this by virtue of its links to the West. In geo-strategic terms, the country has enjoyed substantial links with the West and strong partnerships are common place. Its location combined with the prestige of the monarchy has made Morocco a key African state.

The Moroccan Constitution provides for a monarchy with a Parliament and an independent judiciary. Since the constitutional reform of 1996, the bicameral legislature consists of a lower chamber, the Chamber of Representatives, which is directly elected and an upper chamber, the Chamber of Counsellors, whose members are indirectly elected through various regional, local, and professional councils. The Parliament’s powers were expanded under the 1992 and 1996 constitutional revisions and include budgetary matters, approving bills, questioning ministers, and establishing ad hoc commissions of inquiry to investigate the government’s actions. The lower chamber of Parliament may dissolve the government.

The Government is made up of the Prime Minister and Ministers. It is answerable to the King and the Parliament. This structure outlines policies to be adopted by the Government in national activities such as economic, social, cultural and foreign affairs.

Specific royal initiatives include upgrading education and training institutions, relaxing rules governing political parties, promoting the use of public opinion polls, promoting macroeconomic stability in order to attract international investment, enhancing the national infrastructure (roads, ports and airports), passing laws that offer greater protection to labour unions and implementing new immigration policies. Some of these initiatives have particular relevance to the development of NWAMSA. The Moroccan Government has in place 26 ministers each of which deals with different areas of policy

It is of particular importance that the Morocco government is included in the development of NWAMSA. This is because Morocco is currently outside of the African Union membership, but is inside the geographical space that makes up North West Africa the government of Morocco is therefore vital for the sustainable development of NWAMSA
NWAMSA will be unique for North West Africa and thus its development and ownership by African Member States and African maritime stakeholders is crucial, it is therefore important to ensure full participation of the Government of Morocco during the NWAMSA conceptualisation and development stages. It is noted that there are a great deal of benefits for African Member States from the development of such an Agency in particular that NWAMSA will act as a social, economic and environmental catalyst. The aims and objectives of the NWAMSA will align to and compliment where possible the following Government of Morocco objectives – by adhering to these aims and objectives it is anticipated that NWAMSA will lever a great deal of positive added value for the Moroccan Governments.

  1. To accelerate the political and socio-economic integration of the continent;
  2. To encourage international cooperation, taking due account of the Charter of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights;
  3. To promote peace, security, and stability;
  4. To promote democratic principles and institutions, popular participation and good governance;
  5. To promote and protect human and peoples' rights in accordance with human rights instruments;
  6. To promote sustainable development at the economic, social and cultural levels;
  7. To promote a modern, productive and competitive economy in order to face the challenge of globalization and free trade.
  8. To promote co-operation in all fields of human activity to raise the living standards;
  9. To promote principles of responsible citizenship through completion of education and training charters.
  10. To work with relevant international partners in the eradication of preventable diseases and the promotion of good health on the continent


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Phasellus varius, est ac posuere ornare, elit velit tristique ante, suscipit vehicula urna lectus ut leo. Proin pharetra consequat mi. Vestibulum sed justo ac purus sodales volutpat. Quisque fermentum elit et dolor. Nullam dui orci, fermentum vitae, faucibus eget, vehicula eget, nibh. Cras eu mauris eu tellus rhoncus pretium. Vestibulum placerat, nulla et eleifend accumsan, ipsum metus congue nisi, a hendrerit quam lectus in orci. Etiam mauris. Ut vulputate. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec tristique. Ut justo igula, placerat vitae, fermentum id, rhoncus pellentesque, mauris. Phasellus laoreet purus eget neque. In ac nulla non nibh euismod venenatis.